I was preparing PowerPoint presentation on Search Engine Optimization and Google Analytics. The objective of this presentation was to introduce these topics to sales and development team. All were curious to know as how a website rankings goes higher and how visits are tracked in Google Analytics.

It took me one day (8 hours) to prepare the slides and design course content. I am happy with what I have put all together for them at one place. My stress was on having self explanatory presentation so that they will not need to come back to me after another month or so. They can just go through it once again to understand.
In SEO, I have covered onpage and offpage opitmization. In onpage optimization I covered 8 blocks that they can work on to improve SE friendliness of their website. In offpage optimization I covered blog commenting, article posting and directory submission. I didn't go into deeper sections of it since it was just an introductory session.
In Google Analytics (GA) I started why it is necessary to have analytics software and in particular Google Analytics. Then I explained 'metrics' and 'dimensions'. Then took different types of reports available in GA and explained what each report does. Then I touched upon custom reporting and advanced segmentation.
I was good session. I am eagerly waiting for feedback report that my HR will collect from team probably on Monday. I hope to get good feedback from my team. Till then fingers are crossed.
Technorati Tags: SEO.Training

It took me one day (8 hours) to prepare the slides and design course content. I am happy with what I have put all together for them at one place. My stress was on having self explanatory presentation so that they will not need to come back to me after another month or so. They can just go through it once again to understand.
In SEO, I have covered onpage and offpage opitmization. In onpage optimization I covered 8 blocks that they can work on to improve SE friendliness of their website. In offpage optimization I covered blog commenting, article posting and directory submission. I didn't go into deeper sections of it since it was just an introductory session.
In Google Analytics (GA) I started why it is necessary to have analytics software and in particular Google Analytics. Then I explained 'metrics' and 'dimensions'. Then took different types of reports available in GA and explained what each report does. Then I touched upon custom reporting and advanced segmentation.
I was good session. I am eagerly waiting for feedback report that my HR will collect from team probably on Monday. I hope to get good feedback from my team. Till then fingers are crossed.
Technorati Tags: SEO.Training