Vacation preparation checklist

Vacation is a great stress buster especially for people like us who are so burdened with office work, pollution and chaos around us. Vacation revitalizes us to put our best at everything we deal with after resuming our regular life. But seldom we prepare properly for this vacation. And as a result, a vacation that should have been a stress buster becomes stress booster for us.

Last week one of my friend had gone for a long vacation. But before leaving for it he had forgotten to close the taps and I had to go to his flat then to break the lock as the chairman of the society was facing hell lot of complaints from other residents of that society. Since the tap was open any amount of water filling in that tank would eventually got drained leaving no water for domestic use. A bit of precaution while leaving would have saved gallons of water and 7 lever costly lock of my friend.

When I went out on this weekend I felt that I could have better prepared for it if I would have taken little extra efforts to plan. So I decided to create a generic vacation preparation checklist that will help all of us for our next vacation.

I have prepared a PDF that you can print for proper management of vacation activities. You are supposed to tick each activity as and when it gets completed.

The link for PDF download is this - Vacation preparation checklist.

Feel free to add your suggestions in comments. I will add all the items that I might have missed once you bring it to my notice. I hope this list will come handy for your next vacation.
